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Please check our FAQ before filing an inworld support ticket.

For inworld support please send an IM to

YanuYanubooking resident

or use the support terminal at our front desk.

Our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check-in myself?

YanuYanu gives you the option to check-in yourself, so you are not bound to check-in times. This option is suitable for those who chose a direct booking. See the step-by-step instruction here.

I did not get my tag?

If you have an active rental (shown by either the red BOOKED or blue RESERVED sign at your residence's terminal) you can trigger a new group invite anytime! To do this, click the sign at your terminal and choose 'GRP INVITE' from the pop up terminal.

How do I add additional guests and how do they get a tag?

To get your partner or any additional guest a tag, they need to be added to the rental system of your residence. To do so, click the sign at your terminal and choose the option 'TENANT' from the menu. then choose 'ADD TENANT' and put in the guest's name. This will automatically send a group invite to that person. Repeat these steps for every additional guest.


If your guests did not receive the tag after adding them to the system (possible reasons can be no availabe group slots, lag, set to 'unavailble' or 'away') we recommend a relog. After that your guests can simply click the sign and choose 'GRP INVITE' from the menu, which will initiate a new invite.

How can I make a reservation?

If you want to make a booking in advance for a certain date, we recommend a RESERVATION


For those who want to check-in directly without a reservation, we recommend a DIRECT BOOKING

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